Phalaenopsis mariae (Burbidge 1883)

Named in honor of the wife of Mr. Burbidge
Distribution : Philippines ( Mindoro, Mindanao, Luzon, Sulu)
west Bornéo

Polychilos mariae (Shim 1982)

      Epiphytic plant with stem short, completely enclosed by imbricating leaf-sheaths.
       Many roots, fleshy, glabrous, flexuous.
      Leaves distichous, deflexed (falling down), fleshy, oblong-ligulate or obovate-ligulate, seldom oblong-elliptic, acute or obtuse, of more than 30 cm. of length for 7 cm. of broad.
     Flower stalk pendent, simple or branched, carrying several flowers, often shorter than the foliage, seldom longer.       Bracts triangular-ovate, cucullate, acute, of more than 4 mm.
       Flowers from 4 to 4,5 cm, often scented. Sepals and petals well spread out , similar, fleshy, oblong-elliptic to narrowly elliptic, obtuse above, tapered below. Petals narrower than the sepals.

Lip 3-lobed, fleshy, almost as long as the floral segments. Lateral lobes oblong-ligulate erose-dentate at the truncate apex, with a callus in shape of half moon in the middle. Midlobe ovate, slightly angular, apex eroded or notched on both sides , obtuse, at base provided with a fleshy lamella-like keel running from base to middle. The end of midlobe provided of a prominent callus in cushion-shape, completely covered of small soft hairs. The disc between the lateral lobes is provided of a pair of callus superimposed, bilobate, acicular, fleshy. The former callus being located at the junction of lateral lobes and midlobe.
    Column fleshy, slightly arcuate, of 7 mm.
    Pedicellate ovary of 2,5 cm.

Lip of Phalaenopsis mariae (Sweet)

     Sepals and petals are white or white/cream, sometimes with a suffusion of green, and broad spots or bars of color hazel nut. The lip is mauve with white margin, callus of yellow color. The column is white at base crimson.
       Three principal types could be determined:
From Sulu, white flowers barred of brown/red.
From Mindanao, white flowers with green tips.
rom Luzon, yellow flowers barred of brown/red.
     Flowering is possible all the year.
     He grow until an altitude of 600 m, in shaded situation, always sheltered sun, with a moisture of 80/85%. This species seldom gives keikis.
     The lip architecture is close to that of Phalaenopsis pallens. The difference is done by the smooth edges for Phalaenopsis pallens, notched for Phalaenopsis mariae, and by the entirely hairy final callus for this last and with the sparser hairs for Phalaenopsis pallens; The colouring of the segments is also different. It can also be precisely confused because of this color with Phalaenopsis bastiani, but is characterized some easily by the port even from the plant and the absence from pilosity on the midlobe of lip. Flowering perhaps slightly scented.
     Phalaenopsis mariae is few used in hybridization for the not very esthetic aspect of the disposition of flowers on flower stalk. Considered sensitive to the bacterial rot?

     Two plants were collected at the origin by F.W. Burbidge (1847-1905), director of the botanical garden of Trinity college in Dublin during a trip for the Veitch & Sons establishments in the Malay Archipelago in 1878.
From The Orchid Review



Average temperature humidity and pluviometry, evolution relating to the Sulu islands for an altitude of 610 m