Phalaenopsis inscriptiosinensis ( Fowl.1982)
The Chinese Character Phalaenopsis
Distribution : Sumatra

Phalaenopsis sinensis (Hort.)


     Epiphytic plant with short stem completely enclosed by imbricating leaf-sheaths.
     Roots long, flexible, sinuous, with greenish apex.
      Leaves between 3 and 5, elliptic-oblong, from 8 to 16 cm long, from 4 to 8 cm wide.
      Flower stalk simple, sub-erect, green, cylindrical, shorter than the foliage (7 to 11 cm) carrying from two to five flowers opening out successively.
       Bracts concave, triangular, greenish, from 6 to 8 mm.
       Flowers from 2,5 to 3,5 cm . Dorsal sepal oblong-elliptic, obtuse. Lateral sepal divergent , acute, recurvate, convex, dorsally careened towards the apex, slightly larger than the dorsal sepal. Petals obovate-oblong, acute, much narrower than the sepals and slightly shorter. Lip 3-lobed, twice shorter than the petals. Quadrangular lateral lobes, drawn up with truncated and bidentate apex presenting a thickening in their medium. Subacute midlobe, with very prominent longitudinal keel, glabrous. The disc at the junction of the lateral lobes is provided bifides superimposed callus without divergent appendices, the lower callus being developed more.
       Standard column of Zebrinae with clinandre widened.
       Pedicellate ovary from 1,8 to 2 cm long.


     Estival flowering.
      The color background of floral segments vary from clear yellow to white more or less greenish, they are transversely marked bands of cinnamon color, fines, irregular, presenting a certain similarity with the ideograms of the Chinese writing. The keel of the midlobe, white, is on both sides decorated with two dark red bands . The teeth of the midlobe are of brilliant yellow/orange.
       Confusion is difficult with other Phalaenopsis of the same section, midlobe callus being glabrous.
      The description of the species mentions a foliage with the corrugated limbs. It was to be a question of a particular specimen, this characteristic missing at the other plants of the species.
      It's a Phalaenopsis "of altitude". One finds it in the neighbourhoods of 900 meters. Still rare in culture.

     The first flowering allowing a description took place in July 1982 in Arboretum of Los Angeles but the story of this plant is holder and complicated. For being brief, there was a misinterpretation by Reichenbach between Phalaenopsis sumatrana, zebrine and inscriptiosinensis, diagnosis of this plant being based on drawings and no directly on plants.
Average temperature humidity and pluviometry, evolution relating to the East of Sumatra
altitude 750 meters