version espanol
Phalaenopsis bastianii (Gruss & Röllke. 1991)
Bastian's Phalaenosis
(Röllke's son)
Distribution : Philippines (Sulu)

Phalaenopsis deltonii ( Gruss & Röllke 1991)

Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana var.deltonii (Hort)

      Epiphytic plant , very variable, robust.
      Stem short, completely enclosed by imbricating leaf-sheaths.
      Roots long, numerous, fleshy, glabrous, flexible, green at the end.
      Many leaves, until 10, fleshy or leathery, oblong-ovals or elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse, from 15 to 23 cm long on 5 to 7 cm abroad, keel at the lower face.
       Flower stalk arched, green, longer than the foliage, simple or branching.
       Bracts oval, cucullate, acute, of 5 mm.
       Flowers with largely spread out segments of 3,5 cm to 4 cm. Oblanceolate, acute, slightly ducted dorsal sepal. Lateral sepals obliquely oval, also ducted dorsaly, canaliculate at the apex, acute, once and half broader than the dorsal sepal. Petals identical to the dorsal sepal with a light contracting close to the base, acute or sub-obtuse.

       3-lobed lip, twice shorter than the petals. Lateral lobes erect, subquadrangular, with bidentate truncated apex, presenting a thickening in their medium. Midlobe oval or sub-rhomboid, decorated of a prominent fleshy keel , concave on the lower part. The top of the hull is notched subsequently then ends in a hairy callus. The edges of the median lobe are notched or eroded on both sides apex. The disc with at junction of the lateral lobes is decorated of an excavated triangular callus presenting before a double and short indentation. At the junction of the lateral lobes with median lobe is located an other callus forked projected forwards on both sides of the starter of the hull .
       Column fleshy, erect of 4 mm.
       Pedicellate ovary approximately 2/3 cm.


      Sepals and petals cream colored, more or less yellowish, barred and mackled transversely mahogany or of brown red. The base of the lateral sepal is generally decorated of a broad macula.
       The column is mauve on two thirds of its length. Mauve Lip with the callus decorating lateral lobes yellow.
        Flowering mostly in spring. Nevertheless, one can find plants more or less flowered almost all the year.
       The flower may somewhat be confused with Phalaenopsis maculata . But the color and the absence of pilosity on the midlobe of lip of this one makes possible to distinguish them easily. Phalaenopsis bastianii can also be confused with Phalaenopsis mariae. Lateral lobes of this last are with notched apex, whereas they are emarginate for Phalaenopsis bastianii. The shape of the midlobe is also different, more oval for Phalaenopsis mariae. The floral segments are revolutate in Phalaenopsis mariae. Lastly, floral stalk are hanging for Phalaenopsis mariae, and erect for Phalaenopsis bastianii.

       Named by Rollke in honor of his son Bastian. The plant was introduced in Europe in 1980 into a batch of plants which were to be of Phalaenopsis mariae.
Average temperature humidity and pluviometry, evolution relating to the Sulu islands for an altitude of 610 m