Phalaenopsis stobartiana (Rchb.f 1877)
Mr. Willliam.C.Stobart's Phalaenopsis
Distribution :China (Yuinan, Hainan ?), Thaïland? and Myanmar ?
Principal synonyms

Phalaenopsis wightii var.stobartiana (Rchb.f 1882 )

Phalaenopsis hainanensis (Tang & Wang 1974)

Kingidium stobartianum (Seidenf.1988)

     Epiphytic plant with many large well developed roots, fleshy, compressed, glabrous.
     Short stem, 2 cm completely enclosed by remnants of imbricating leaf sheaths.
     Leaves usually absent at flowering time, oblong-lanceolate, acute, long of more than ten centimetres and broad of five.
     Flower stalk arcuate or pendent, ramified, being able to carry many flowers and to measure more than 20 cm.
     Bracts ovate, cucullate, sub-acuminate of 5 mm.
     Flowers from 3,5 to 4 cm, very few, from 7 to 9. Dorsal sepal oblong-elliptic to obovate, acute or rounded . Lateral sepals oblique, ovate or elliptic-ovate, obtuse, slightly ducted at the posterior face. Petal at cuneate base then obovale, acute or rounded at apex.


   3-lobed lip, a little shorter than the petals. Oblong-ligulate, lateral lobes sub-falcate , sometimes strangled about the middle with a quite visible callus around the apex, flattened, irregularly notched. Midlobe fleshy, convex above, excavate below, with a longitudinal fleshy keel, margin folded up towards the lower part. The disc between the lateral lobes is provided of a pair of callus superimposed, fleshy, linear, bifides.
    Minutely spurred.
    Column very short, cylindrical, fleshy, slightly arcuate, of 6 mm long.

    Pedicellate ovary of 1,5 cm long.

Lip of Phalaenopsis stobartiana (Sweet)
    Sepals and petals apple-green to greenish yellow. lip white marked of amethyst (column and midlobe).
    Grow in warm climate, from sea level to 100 meters according to some, between 800 and 900 meters according to other sources', always in zones very wet, in an extremely reduced ecological niche. Natural flowering in July?
     Before year 2000 untraceable in culture. Four specimens was listed "officially", the plant which was used for the description, one photographed in Yunnan, a cultivated seedling which disappeared (E.U.), and a specimen perhaps still in culture in Japan. On the way of reappearance from Thailand from where photography illustrating this page is originating.
Average temperature humidity and pluviometry, evolution relating in Myanmar, 150 meter of altitude area of Myitkyina
