Phalaenopsis mannii (Rchb.f 1871)
  Petite galerie de Phalaenopsis mannii
Mann's Phalaenopsis
Distribution : India, Sikkim, Assam, Viet-nam
Principal synonyms

Phalaenopsis boxallii (Rchb.f 1883)

Polychilos mannii (Shim 1982)

       Epiphytic plant with very short stem, completely enclosed by imbricating leaf-sheaths.
     Roots many, rather long, flexuous, glabrous.
     Leaves more or less numerous (4/5), drawn up or spread out, a little flask, obovate-oblong or oblanceolate-oblong, abruptly acute, a little sickle-shaped, of a pale green, more or less brown spotted, (especially toward the base),veined, long from 20 to 35 cm, wide from 4 to 7 cm.
      Flower stalk as long or a little longer than the leaves, erect or a little pendant, robust, hardly compressed, green very finely punctuated of mauve, sometimes simple, more often provided with 2 or 3 short branches, multiflores.
      Bracts rigid, a little fleshy, very concave, ovate-lanceolate, acute, green, long of 1 cm.
     Flower spread out, a little fleshy and rigid from 4 to 5 cm. Sepals very spread out, convex, margin a little undulated and strongly revolutate, carrying outside, close to the apex, a strong apiculate bulge. Dorsal sepal linear-ligulate, sub-obtuse. Lateral sepals larger, lanceolate-sub-spatulate, acute, strongly asymmetrical. Petals almost similar to the sepals, but narrower and a little shorter, little thickened at apex, lanceolate-ligulate, acute.

  Lip half shorter than lateral sepals. Lateral lobes erect, connivent, oblong-sub-quadrangular, apex obliquely truncated. Midlobe anchor-shaped, with a little recurvate arm, obtuse, finely denticulate and papillose towards the apex. Disc between lateral lobes presenting a transverse callus flattened fleshy surmounted of two long subulate appendices, divergent, and in front of this callus a long erect appendix, obtuse, laterally compressed.
   Lengthened column, claviforme, basally provided on each side of a small triangular tooth.
   Pedicellate ovary of 3 cm.

    Sepals and petals yellow or of a white yellowish, tinted and mackled mauve/lilas. White or a little yellowish lip. The appendix drawn up on the front of the callus is purplish. The column yellow and striated a little with red. Lightly scented.
    Flowering is primarily in spring, but may be more spread out. An adult plant is able to give 4/5 floral stalk each year.
    Able to remain flowered more than three months and to tolerate temperatures of 7°c without damage. It's growing at an altitude close to 500 meters and up to 1400 meters, always in a very wet environment bordering the 90%. The plants are from 4/5 meters to the ground, very in the shade of the forest. Thus he needs a little less light in culture. In its natural habitat, the temperatures can go down exceptionally behind the point of frost.
     Little cultivated in spite of its generosity. This species produces very floriferous rejects.
   This discovery is from Gustave Mann working with the service of the administration of the forests of India which made the first collection in May 1868.
Botanical variety
Horticultural varieties
   Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis mannii var.flava (Christ.2001)
     Synonym: mannii var concolor (Trudel 1986)
     Fleur smaller than the type, uniformly yellow.
Phalaenopsis mannii "Red"
New type. Plant more robust than the type. May be not a really natural specie.
Average temperature humidity and pluviometry, evolution relating to the north of India at an altitude of 450 meters (area of Darjeling)