Phalaenopsis kunstleri (Hook. 1890)
Phalaenopsis de Kunstler which collected it in Perak
Distribution : Myanmar, Malayan peninsula (Johore, Perak)
Principal synonyms

Phalaenopsis fuscata var.kunstleri (orchid review 1967)

Polychilos kunstleri (Shim 1982)

     Epiphytic plant, short stem completely enclosed by imbricating leaf-sheaths.
     Roots fleshy , flexuous, glabrous.
     Not very abundant foliage, 2 to 4 brilliant leaves, fleshy, pendent obovate or oblanceolate, seldom oblong-elliptic, acute or sub-obtuse, from 10 to 25 cm. long, for 4 to 8 cm. wide.
      Flower stalk arcuate, sometimes sub-erect, simple or seldom branchy, twice longer than the foliage, rachis in zigzag.       Bracts ovate-triangular, cucullate, acute long from 4 to 5 mm.
     Flowers fleshy, with well spread out segments, from 3,5 to 4 cm. Dorsal sepal obovate or elliptic, obtuse or slightly emarginate, slightly ducted dorsally under the apex, edges revolutate. Lateral sepals similar to dorsal sepal, a little broader and more definitely ducted dorsally, very revolutate margin. Elliptic petals obtuse.

    Lip 3-lobed, twice shorter than the sepals, fleshy. Lateral lobes sub-quadrangular, sickle-shaped (falcate), with apex obliquely truncated, provided with a callus about their middle. Sub-orbicular midlobe, rounded at the apex, flat or slightly cochleate, with a prominent and fleshy median keel. Disc between lateral lobes provided of a pair of divergent fleshy ridges . In front of those there is a bidentate callus located at the junction of lateral lobes and midlobe.

Column very fleshy and very short, strangled in its center, with a very squat foot.

Pedicellate ovary of 2 cm long..

Lip of Phalaenopsis kunstleri (Sweet)

    Segments yellow with greenish yellow, with broad spots of brown more or less dark. Yellow lip with one or two longitudinal clear brown stripes on both sides of the central keel. Estival flowering.
      It is to be noticed that the two places of collection are distant 2000 kilometers and that no plant was found between the two. Moreover, the climates are very distinct. The Burmese locality rather has a fresh climate and dry winters, whereas one notes few seasonal variations in Malaysia, with a higher temperature and abundant rains all the year. Nevertheless the town of Malaysia which is used as reference for the collection of these plants (Ipoh) is surrounded on three sides by mountains culminating with more than 1800 meters, which leaves think that this species is rather of altitude and that it prefers temperatures a little fresher than other Phalaenopsis.
      In culture, it is a plant which requires a little less light than another species.
      Very similar with Phalaenopsis fuscata. It differe primarily by its very squat column and some details in the situation of the posterior callus.

Column of Phal.kunstleri (Sweet)
       Many Phalaenopsis kunstleri are mislabeled Phalaenopsis fuscata and true kunstleri seems rare in culture..
     Named in the honor of Hermann H.Kunstler, professional collector for the account of Sir George King.
     Some additional words from Rolf in the Orchid Review N°152 august 1905.
Average temperature humidity and pluviometry, evolution relative in Malaysia to around fifty of meters of altitude (area of Ipoh).