version espanol
Phalaenopsis chibae (Yukawa 1996)
Chiba's Phalaenopsis
Distribution : Vietnam
No synonym
      Stem short.
      Leaves fleshy, conduplicate, obovate with acute apex, of more than 11cm long for 4,5 cm wide, green dark strongly tinted of purple.
      Flower stalk, thin, erect, of purplished colour, as long as the foliage, not ramified (for the botanical description. In fact, in culture the stem is very branched).
      Bracts cucullate, triangular, acute, of more than 3 mm.
      Many flowers of waxy texture, opening out incompletely, 12 mm in diameter.
      Sepal dorsal oblong , cucullate, obtuse, 4,5 mm long for 3,5 mm wide. Lateral sepal oblique , sub-ovate, obuse, 6 mm long for 4,5 mm wide. Petals oblong-spatulate, obtuse, attached to the base of the column, 5,5 mm long for 2,5 mm wide.
        3-lobed lip, in "bag" between the lateral lobes and forming a spur, 6 mm long for 8,5 mm wide. Lateral lobes triangular, acute, of 1 mm, with the interior face furnished with a fleshy peak , concave with the external one.
      Midlobe transversely oblong, superficially curved to the apex, densely hairy between the lateral lobes, 5 mm long for 8,5 mm wide. Disc decorated at the base with a callus subquadrangular at the rectified edges. A small callus (rather a peak) is laid out in front of this last. The midlobe is almost articulated.
      Compact column, fleshy, of 4 mm, with a well developed foot.
      Four pollinies grouped by two, of unequal size.
      Pedicellate ovary thin, 14 mm long, clear green olive.
Lip of Phalenopsis Chibae (Endo)

     Collecting in the vicinity of Dalat at an altitude from 400 to 600 meters and named in the honor of its discoverer Mr. Masaaki Chiba of Japan.

     Yellow color, hazel nut mustard tinted. Callus of lip whitisch, marked of purple.

     In original description, it is known that the flowers open out simultaneously, this fact is not always confirmed in culture. This same description also mentions the fact that the floral stalk is simple, which is not confirmed at all in culture.

     Classified by Christenson in the Deliciosae section because of the four pollinies and the presence of the spur formed by the labelle one. It is distinguished from the other members of the section by the stalk set up, nonrecurring, and by the callus which is transverse, the other members of the group having a longitudinal callus.

     For certain botanists, it appears more logical all the same to place this plant in the group of Kingidium because of the presence of the spur.

Average temperature humidity and pluviometry, evolution relating to Vietnam with average altitude of 500 meters (near Dalat)